Penetration Testing Service

Ascertain exploitable vulnerabilities to advance your cyber defences

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Aping a Cyberattack to ascertain Strengths and Weaknesses  

In an era of daily cyberattacks, it's essential to test your defenses from a hacker's viewpoint. Our penetration testing simulates real-world intrusions, revealing your network's strengths and areas for improvement.

Independent analysis
improves findings

Provide executives insight into vital KPIs and appropriate risk impact to support business decisions

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Certified ethical hackers
deliver optimal results

Ascertain vulnerabilities to fix, eliminate duplicates and false positives, and prioritize based on compliance requirements and enterprise risk tolerance.

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Proven methodology
improves security posture

Provide executives insight into vital KPIs and appropriate risk impact to support business decisions

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Actionable insight
helps you mitigate risks

Apply automation to ease manual tasks, so secure development and remediation efforts can support the entire application landscape.Ref

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What is Penetration Testing (Pen Testing)?

Penetration Testing uncovers vulnerabilities across your digital assets. Using both automated and manual methods, Rex Cyber Solutions mimics real-world cyberattacks to assess your security. We pinpoint weaknesses without causing harm, offering a clear action plan. From common network vulnerabilities to advanced persistent threats and employee readiness against phishing, we provide comprehensive insight.

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Our services


With so many nodes, your network offers plenty of potential attack surfaces. An infrastructure assessment will help you identify those weaknesses.

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Mobile and Web Application Security

Web and mobile applications potentially expose data outside the network perimeter. Let us help you identify weaknesses.

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PCI DSS Assessment

Using advanced techniques, our team cybersecurity experts will conduct a real-world penetration test to assess all of your security provisions.

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Stolen Device Assessment

Have you ever considered your exposure if a company devices goes missing or is stolen? Let our team ascertain your exposure for you.

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Physical Security Assessment

Sometimes direct attacks are the most effective - hackers will try to gain physical access to your offices and data Centre. Are they secure?

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GDPR Assessments

How is your business handling personal data? Does it meet the requirements of GDPR, or are you risking a potentially massive fine?

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Talk to use about web and
mobile application testing today
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